
Discovering new horizons in the Web3 galaxy

Navigating the Universe
of Financial Freedom


Takadao Purpose

peopleCommunity-owned with profit-sharing
blockchainGlobal Accessibility at Your Fingertips
halalTransparency &

Takadao Solutions

Empowering communities with transparent Web3 alternatives, promoting financial freedom.

A community-based savings program that builds your
crypto savings while helping others.
Start Saving
A community-based savings program that builds your
crypto savings while helping others.
Start Saving
A community-based savings program that builds your
crypto savings while helping others.
Start Saving
A community-based savings program that builds your
crypto savings while helping others.
Start Saving
Money Pot
1000 USDC

Takadao Team


Morrad Irsane

CoFounder & CEO


Sharene Lee

CoFounder & COO


Aisha El Allam



Mohammed Haddouti

Product Manager


Abdalla Elsayed

Product Design Manager


Leila Ngouloure

Executive Project Manager


Shahd Abdelhadi

Head of Growth


Ameerah Langer

Brand & Comms Manager


Ahmed Imira

Underwriting Manager


Sander Hansen

Insurance Advisor


Rob Smit

Insurance Advisor


Reza Rayman

Compliance Manager


Roaa Nagi

Customer Success

Our Trusted Partners

In the spirit of community, Takadao is joining forcers with other industry
leaders to create a brighter financial future for all.


Our Investors

We’re backed by several international venture investors to scale our solutions globally.



Your questions answered: Understanding
Takadao made simple

Just like the (broken) traditional system, the Takaverse has different sectors that work together to uplift everyone in it. The entire Takadao universe (short: Takaverse) is community-owned, governed by a DAO via the TAKA token & NFTs.

Takasure is the Risk Management System of the Takaverse

This is where the underwriting & risk fund management of the DAO takes place. Takasure consists of a large group of people saving together and collectively insuring one another's lives and assets.

Takaturn is the Economy of the Takaverse

It powers savings, yield generation & treasury management. With Takaturn, small groups of people are saving USDC together and collectively financing one another while earning yield on ETH

Takalabs is the Government of the Takaverse

Driven by the people, the DAO governance and community engagement take place here. This is where NFTs show their full power.

Takatalks is the Education System of the Takaverse

Takatalks spreads financial freedom by distributing easily understandable Web3 & (Islamic) financial knowledge to people of all backgrounds and walks of life.

Takadao builds the Web3 infrastructure that allows community-owned insurance to exist. We do this through innovations that are reliable, inclusive and affordable.

Many crypto projects go live with their ICO early on; and end up failing because their tokens could not live up to the hype.

At Takadao, we're doing things a bit differently: We first build the Web3 infrastructure that allows community-owned insurance to exist through our different products, then we'll launch the TAKA-Token.

By slowing down and building a foundation first, our TAKA-Tokens will have actual utility backing them up instead of relying on just a hype. We currently do not have a token

Takadao and all of its products were born out of a need for Shariah-compliant Takaful insurance for people around the world. That's why everything - from our internal team management to how our products are designed - is built on Shariah principles. Here's what that means:

  • Blockchain Technology: Takadao leverages blockchain technology, which is trustless and decentralized. There is no central body - like a bank or insurance company - in between that operates with haram activities like interest.
  • Islamic Finance Principles: Islamic Finance is built on an important principle: everything is allowed *unless* specifically prohibited. Takadao is free of any Shariah prohibitions in finance like
    • Prohibition of Riba (interest)
    • Prohibition of Gharar (uncertainty)
    • Prohibition of Maisir/Qimar (gambling)
  • Crypto Screening: Not all cryptocurrencies are shariah-compliant. We screen every crypto we use to make sure they are Shariah-compliant projects aligned with Islamic finance principles.
  • Partnership Screening: We only partner with organizations that are Shariah-compliant like our yield provider ZaynFi, the first DeFi platform to get Shariah certification.
  • Shariah Board: Takadao also has its own external Shariah Advisory Board made up of certified Islamic Finance experts with a deep understanding of Web3 to keep us in check.

Great that you want to be a part of the Web3 revolution! To get started with a partnership, please reach out to shahd@takadao.io and she'll take it from there 🙌

The TakaTribe is a global community of people taking a stand against the broken financial system, helping each other achieve financial freedom.

Becoming a part of the TakaTribe is as easy as hitting the "Join Our Community" button above. You can also join us on Telegram Group to speak to the team directly.