Your one-stop shop for simplified Web3 Knowledge
Your one-stop shop for easy-to-understand Web3 Education
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Learn & Earn Program
Navigating the world of Web3 and decentralized finance (DeFi) can be complicated - but it doesn't have to be.

With Learn & Earn, you'll intuitively understand the basics of the DeFi space and experience first hand what it's like to buy and move crypto.
How It Works
Sign Up
Sign up for the Learn & Earn program 🖊️
Watch videos to build Web3 knowledge 📚
Test Your Knowledge
Complete quiz and video summary 📝
Test Your Knowledge
Complete quiz and video summary 📝
Earn Rewards
Earn up to $100 in crypto rewards 💰
Apply Skills
Apply knowledge to real-life demo 🧩
How Do I Get Started
Sign Up
Sign up for the Learn & Earn program 🖊️
Watch Web3 explainer videos 📚
Test Your Knowledge
Complete quiz and video summary 📝
Apply Skills
Apply knowledge to real-life demo 🧩
Earn Rewards
Earn up to $100 in crypto rewards 💰
What makes Learn & Earn special?
The Learn & Earn program is designed for anyone who wants to get into the crypto/Web3 space in a simple, practical way - without complicated jargon.Completing the program gets you
More than ‘textbook knowledge’
Understand the real-life impact of Web3 and how it can make or break your financial future.
Don’t just learn. Do!
Apply your knowledge - create a crypto wallet, move coins across chains, and more in a demo.
Hands-on exercises with feedback
Double-down on your learnings in projects that put your critical thinking & creativity to the test.
Earn up to $100 in rewards
Tend to procrastinate? Nothing like a reward for every module you complete to keep you going!
Get a certificate
Show off your accomplishments on LinkedIn or your CV with a certificate of completion.
Your questions answered: Understanding Takadao made simple

There are 5 core modules to complete. In each core module, you’ll cover one aspect of a fundamental Web3 topic in depth through a video series. After watching the video, you’ll complete a short quiz before continuing. The module is considered complete after you submit your assignment.

This is completely up to you! The program allows you to learn at your own pace, fitting education into your busy schedules without constraints. You can complete the program on the go, anytime, as long as they have an internet connection.

You can continue your learning journey without making a video, but that lets you not earn the great rewards that await after every module!

Yes, there will be a quiz after each module. Then, you will record a short video for your assignment question after every module which is at least 60 seconds. Studies prove that talking about information you learned increases retention rate drastically; so by submitting your assignment video, you won’t just be able to tick the right answer in a quiz; you’ll prove to yourself that you understand what’s going on and you’ll be able to remember it long after the course.

The journey is your destination! Take a look at the earnings schedule below to see how much USDC you get for which module. Note that a module is only marked as complete once your video (or voice) summary has been approved.

# Title (Module) Description Earnings
1 Basics of blockchain The why of Bitcoin and the blockchain 5 USDC
2 Cryptocurrencies Tokens and coins (on various chains) 5 USDC
3 CeFi v DeFi Custody & Wallets, phishing scams 5 USDC
4 Common DeFi uses Swaps, bridges, staking, loans & collateral 10 USDC
5 Hands-on with Takasure Participating in the playground 15 USDC + 60 USDC for collateral
6 Shariah-compliance Shariah compliance of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies generally (Optional)
7 All about Takasure How Takasure works, what makes it a unique solution in the insurance world (targeted to stakeholders and DAO members, including those who want to participate in governance and claims management) (Optional)

Absolutely! The point of these modules is for you to learn something beneficial. You can skip ahead; though you might miss out on the fun (and the USDC rewards).

Yes, you can still learn! The training program is designed to equip you with the base knowledge of all things Web3 and crypto; which is independent of the legal status of crypto in your country. You can even participate in the demo to apply your learnings because there is no real cryptocurrency involved; as long as it’s legal for you to use a crypto wallet.

Forever - and it’s yours to share! Decentralized knowledge for the win!

Your reflections on the material will be used to help other learners! We might use your recordings on our social media or other platforms, so we reserve the right to that content.

At the moment, all video resources are in English. You can complete your summary video in English or Arabic. In the future, we’ll add more languages so that more people can learn.